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To applique the charges on, did you just whip-stitch around the edges? It's not evident from the pictures how you did it. Also I like the mantling on your helm! Did you make that by hand too or do you have a source for that fabric? It'll be cool to see it all together.


Sir Patrick:
I did a running stitch(?) around the edges of the appliqués so they wouldn't fray, then zig-zag / whip-stitched them on. For the ermines on the mantle, I made a stencil, laid out my pattern, and inked them on with a fabric paint marker. A bit of a PITA, but better than embroidering them ( the ones on the appliqués were enough).

Sir Wolf:

Is that fabric on the helm properly called a "mantle" or "mantling"? I guess I've seen both but I have thought mantling was the proper term. I could be wrong.

For the charges, are they made of wool or linen or some other fabric? The idea to do a running stitch around them is clever, I'm going to borrow that idea for my newest jupon!

Sir Patrick:
I always thought it was called a mantel. The material is a cotton canvas. The weave looks a lot like linen. I was having a TON of trouble finding linen in the proper shade of red.


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