Main > The Great Hall

Hello from the north.

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Sir Wolf:

Aiden of Oreland:
Hail and well met!

Well met Kenneth. You can hardly go wrong with late 14th century as your ultimate goal for an impression, but it's going to take a while to get there. Always remember when assembling a new harness - be patient! You'll probably find that your impression will evolve over time as your tastes become more refined and you more fully realize what you like and don't like. The quality of your gear will also probably improve as your knowledge of both history and modern reproductions gets better. The more patient and careful you are about acquiring your harness the better it will be and the less it will cost. Of course it also depends on what you want to own armor for. For living history events, renfaire, combat societies, etc all have different requirements. You can get some great advice from folks here on all those subjects.


Sir Rodney:
Well met Kenneth!

The folks on this forum are from all walks of medieval life: HEMA, other WMA, SCA, LARP, Living History, Renaissance Festival goers, etc.  As stated earlier, if you’re not having fun, you’re doing it wrong.   ;)

I understand the “between two worlds” thing and I believe it’s natural and good.  I started out doing nothing but beating my friends over the head with rattan for over 10 years, and I was happy.  Then I saw some awesome kits on this and other forums and decided to move in a more historically accurate direction.  I have a LONG way to go.  Then I was fascinated by German longsword techniques and took a few classes.  I have a VERY long way to go.   :o

That being said, it’s more about the journey than the destination.  Have fun!

It's hard not to feel a very warm welcome with all these replies ^^

I'll be heading more in a mid 14th cent direction though, found a few effigies I really like from that period.

I'll be starting with the soft kit and move from the inside out, the plate armour I'll be making myself as my main interest is still armour construction, so at least some money to save there.
I'll proberbly be making stuff from several different periods though at some point.

And I know full well what it takes to put together a kit, spent 3-4 years on my 21st century SAS's alot of work but very satisfying when you get it done.

I must admit though that at times I envy you from the US...the problem with living in a very small country is that alot of things isn't available.
I wanted to get into the SCA but the closest group is in Stockholm which is still to far from me sadly, and as mentioned, most living history here is viking age.
I did find a HEMA group here in Copenhagen who even train at the Copenhagen National Museeum...but I have to be honest and say that unarmoured swordfighting dosn't really interest me that much.

But who knows, maybe I can convert some of my fellow LARP'ers to the glorious world of history ^^


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