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100 Round HEMA event report.

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So remember this?

--- Quote ---"On September 11, 2014, a 100-man weapon fight will be held in Prague. I will be fighting against 17 A-class fighters from different disciplines who will rotate and start from the beginning for 100 rounds. Each round will last 2 minutes. I will be the man facing opponents for 100 rounds. Each round will last two minutes. So the whole process will take 200 minutes meaning 3 hours and 20 minutes. We will fight full contact with training weapons using modern historical fencing equipment. All strikes are also allowed including kicks, wrestling and throws."
--- End quote ---

Well here is the after-action report from the fighter himself:

And here is the report from some of his opponents written in Czech then again in English with video at the bottom:

Sir James A:
"He has been practicing professional historical swordsmanship since 1975."

What? Were the manuscripts even public at that time?

Sir Brian:
I watched most of the videos and read several opinions and accounts. I completely understand the reasoning behind his experiment and the answers he was looking for and I truly commend him for his courage and dedication to his studies. I do not agree with much of the criticisms I have read generated in the other various communities of HEMA, SCA, BOTN, etc which nearly all were erroneously originated from their biased perspectives.

No the only criticism I will provide was his failure to adequately prepare for the ‘experiment’. By preparation I mean incorporating a group of individuals to assist him in the experience that fully understood the objectives and all had a clear understanding of the boundaries or safeguards.

It was an intriguing and ambitious concept, just poorly planned and executed. I am grateful that he was not grievously and permanently injured and sincerely hope that he will be more prudent in his future endeavors.  :-\

Are there any 'before' reports available?  Why did he do this?  What was his preparation?  What were the rules if any?

The whole thing seems incredibly flawed from the beginning.  There's no physical way to fight capable opponents for 3 hrs straight without serious concessions, so I question what he was trying to get out of this or prove?  Without any of the background information I can't really say if this was a well-intentioned experiment gone wrong, or a whole lot of naivety gone really wrong.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-09-20, 15:12:45 ---Are there any 'before' reports available?  Why did he do this?  What was his preparation?  What were the rules if any?

The whole thing seems incredibly flawed from the beginning.  There's no physical way to fight capable opponents for 3 hrs straight without serious concessions, so I question what he was trying to get out of this or prove?  Without any of the background information I can't really say if this was a well-intentioned experiment gone wrong, or a whole lot of naivety gone really wrong.

--- End quote ---

He wants to be the new Chuck Norris. :)

(I seriously have no idea, though)


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