Main > The Armoury

maille tailoring?

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Anyone know of a place that will do good tailoring of hauberks? I need to get my cap-a-pie hauberk tailored but I'm too lazy to do it myself :)

I don't see it listed on their site, but Jeff at Custom Chainmail might tailor an existing shirt.  I never thought to ask since I was buying a whole shirt from him, but it might be worth the email.

Paulus von Zurich:
He does not do tailoring on a shirt that you currently own, I asked a week or so back. All of his tailoring is done in India.

It kinda sucks that there's really no place that makes historically accurate, properly tailored maille. All that stuff from India is not even close to what real maille looks like. I'd settle for something that's even mostly historical.

Sir Patrick:
You might make inquiries with your local SCA or living history group. They may have someone who does that kind if stuff for them.


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