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Geek Talk: Sauron vs.
Frater deTyr:
--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-09-15, 21:41:56 ---
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-09-15, 21:34:55 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-09-15, 21:28:24 ---Who is more powerful, Sauron or morgoth(Melkor)
--- End quote ---
Morgoth is literally the root of all evil in Arda. If the Ainur are analogs for Angels, that would make Morgoth the equivalent of the Devil himself. Sauron is like one of the major demons it of hell compared to Morgoth as the Devil. I would say they're on different levels, Morgoth being the more powerful.
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But did Sauron not eventually surpass even his power?
Not evil persay, but power?
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Dr. Tolkien continually makes the point that the damage done by Melkor/Morgoth was bad enough that it nearly destroys Arda (Earth). Sauron (whom Tolkien describes as "merely a servant") did not possess nearly the power of Melkor, who was the greatest of all the Valar, prior to his fall.
Per Tolkien's writings, Melkor/Morgoth will return through the Door of Night, to finish the destruction he begun, only to be taken down with the help of Eru (God) and the agency of all the Free Folk (including all the Second Folk who died and went before---Men).
Sir William:
Melkor, by far. Sauron was his apprentice/servant, nothing more. It was only by his removal (and the estrangement of the Ainu from the world of elves and men) that Sauron could ever take power to begin with. Even so, by canon, Sauron was one of the lesser Maiar, as was Gandalf, (lesser in reference to the Valar) and he was granted more power in order to combat Sauron's evil - as powerful as those two are, they did not wield the power of the Valar, only small portions of it.
Sir Wolf:
Sir Douglas:
Yes, but the important question is: Ginger or Mary Ann? ;)
Sir William:
I guess Wolf is subtly reminding me of how much of a nerd I really am. Well he is, too!
Excellent question, Squire. Mary Ann if I'm wanting to kick back and have a beer, Ginger if I'm wanting a night on the town w/out having to wait in line to get into VIP. lol
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