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Need advice and suggestions on gauntlets, Gruber and other people.

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Don Jorge:
I hung out with Gruber and Grettir this summer at an armor session and they are both fantastic.

Grettir has his design figured out and sews in high quality gloves into his mittens.

Gruber is much more flexible about customizing the design to fit any specific needs you have and generally blackens his work instead of polishing it.

Both do excellent work and for sca heavy you can feel safe in both!

Basically if you like Grettirs design and finish options get his... If you want something more custom get em from John at the Surly Anvil!

Those are pretty gauntlets.  For mittens they still have the aesthetic of finger gauntlets.  Too many other armorers do 'finger mittens' poorly, and they really just look like mittens.

Yeah I've seen his work. I rather like the Bifurcated Gauntlets.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Henrik Granlid on 2014-09-15, 20:10:18 ---Does any one have any experience or know somebody with experience on Gruber's gauntlets?

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I don't have experience with his gauntlets, but I've had some conversations with him over the last year. I was going to go intern with him later this year, but I had a huge bill that sapped my finances, and I'm taking time off work for Days of Knights, so lack of time and money means not going to happen (this year).

He's been doing SCA combat since, if I remember right, the late 80s / early 90s. I think he's still doing it? Regardless, he'd know what it takes to build a set of SCA capable gauntlets. He's easy to talk to and work with. I just put a downpayment on a cuirass with him last week, no complaints at all and looking forward to working with him more. I'd say at the very least, talk with him about what you want specifically, before making a final decision.

--- Quote from: Henrik Granlid on 2014-09-16, 07:26:31 ---I'm wary of ordering from Jolly Knight at the moment since Ukraine is at full on war with Russia.

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Without getting too deep into details, the Ukraine is a pretty big place. It's a bit smaller than Texas. The armorers I've seen over there posting about the civil unrest (war?) aren't in the midst of it and are in a relatively safe place and are still able to work as usual.

It's probably fine. I bought something from the Ukraine last week; hopefully it'll show up. :D


--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-09-16, 17:23:56 ---
--- Quote from: Henrik Granlid on 2014-09-16, 07:26:31 ---I'm wary of ordering from Jolly Knight at the moment since Ukraine is at full on war with Russia.

--- End quote ---

Without getting too deep into details, the Ukraine is a pretty big place. It's a bit smaller than Texas. The armorers I've seen over there posting about the civil unrest (war?) aren't in the midst of it and are in a relatively safe place and are still able to work as usual.

It's probably fine. I bought something from the Ukraine last week; hopefully it'll show up. :D

--- End quote ---

Yeah definitely this.

The unrest in Ukraine is very much restricted to a small portion of Ukraine on the eastern border.  I've ordered from and received orders from the Ukraine in the last few months, the most recent being last month.


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