Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Fan question. What's your answer?
Sir Douglas:
Yep, I’m going to have to say Star Wars, too. Simply because: Star Wars.
I guess it’s not technically an RPG universe, but shoot...they’ve done enough RPG stuff with it over the decades. Though my game of choice would have to be Star Wars: Galaxies or the old West End Games RPGs. Anything Original Trilogy-era. Jedi are nice and all, but I’d take a flight stick over a glowy stick any day. ;)
I mean, The Elder Scrolls has great lore, and there are a number of RPG worlds in which I wouldn't mind taking residence, but yeah...if I could pick any one that I wanted to live in the most: Star Wars.
Sir Edward:
Hmm, I'd have to say somewhere between Star Trek, Star Wars, and Mass Effect. :)
(yeah, that's right, I put Mass Effect on the same level with those)
Sir William:
As would I, Sir Edward (and did)! Far as I'm concerned, it is on the level w/them. I heard they're gonna make a movie- man if they get it right, it'll be the SW for this generation. I mean how hard could it be- the games had excellent voice acting, story and production values- costuming, makeup and CGI would round it out, they'd bluescreen it all except for smaller sets they could build to simulate areas like the Normandy's bridge or w/e. I think the Citadel to be the coolest construct I've ever seen in the sci-fi genre. How do they keep the atmosphere within the fins? So cool.
Lord Chagatai:
D&D cause I could be anything I wanted to be....and I lived in that world in my mind for a very long time. This way I could use magic and live a life of chivalry, save people, help people and create a great life for myself.
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
Paulus von Zurich:
In the Hyborian Age.
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