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Dr Tobias Capwell, continuing to live the dream and make many of us jealous

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Sir Nate:
That song Dream on is running through my head right now.
The Hardest part would be up keeping armor to look that nice. Not a scratch(unless that is his non combat suit that he uses oh for videos and not in combat ;)

Aiden of Oreland:
He became what he always dreamed of being, a knight. And to put your life on the line to do what you love and to educate those around you, now thats commitment that I can only dream of doing someday. Do you think he will ever make a trip to the Franklin Institute and do an armor exhibit? Or anywhere on the East Coast in fine with me, as long as its PA or MD :)

 I don't know why they don't bring back jousting, people die in football and rugby. Heck, horse racing is always killing horses and its still legal. In fact, I bet REAL jousting could possibly be even safer than many things we do today. It would be awesome to flip my TV to the jousting channel. Though, it would be rather expensive and require a lot of pine trees.


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