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Huge swords - the Montante

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Paulus von Zurich:
I got to handle an original 16th cent flamberge several years ago. The weight was manageable and there was a little whip to the blade. I was surprised at how well it was balanced, since it was easily six foot overall. IIRC the cross was easily 18" across.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Squire Douglas on 2014-09-07, 18:30:12 ---I believe the technical term for those is: "Big Friggin' Swords". ;)

So what was the purpose of a sword that long? Were they handled kinda-sorta like a polearm?

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If I am not mistaken, they were in more common use in the 16th century, and few men were actually trained to use it. A weapon of that size did not usually have a scabbard and was carried on the shoulder.
They were used during the height of armor, how they were used I would guess were for armored opponents (armored guy! Give me a bigger sword ;))
Probably a very good weapon for de horsing someone.

Sir Brian:
The zweihanders were primarily used against pike formations to cut off the pike heads.

Sir William:
Overcompensating, maybe?  lol

Paulus von Zurich:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-09-09, 13:29:42 ---Overcompensating, maybe?  lol
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Admit it, you like them too!


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