Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
You guys keep saying history like it has to have happened 500 years ago to matter. Our customs society wide are based on history, the history of the SCA, and soon that history will pass out of living memory. Marion Bradley is dead, Dianna Paxton is very old and Dr Fred Holland (known as Flieg) will probably pass within a decade. All we will have left is the story, the hiStory. So I would advocate for reading up on it's Origins here:
and here:
Sir Rodney:
As stated above, don’t assume SCA structures or titles are based upon historical example. It’s a wildly weird organization that has grown and morphed since the famous 1966 backyard party in Berkeley, California.
Also keep in mind that the King and Queen are replaced every 6 months (in my kingdom). The real keepers of the realm are the Seneschal and the council of kingdom officers. These volunteers serve 2 to 3 year terms (in my kingdom) and have various fancy titles which basically boil down to the modern equivalents of chairperson, treasurer, clerk, safety director, IT director, reporter, etc.
I’ve always held these individuals in high regard as they are basically working a part time job with no pay, many weekends taken, real legal responsibilities, having to nag others to submit required reports on time as well as entertaining the inevitable whiners. They do this in addition to their real job and family responsibilities for 2 years while trying to remember why they joined in the first place (to have fun!). :o
Sir James A:
--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-20, 22:03:23 ---Sir James, thank you. This is a fantastic post! I also agree with every point you made. Honestly I am loving the SCA as a whole I don't want anyone to think I am dissing it, but I think the way that a couple of portions of it are set up could be done better.
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You're welcome. I'm not trying to knock the SCA either, I did a year of heavy combat back when I was about 20, but it (SCA heavy) wasn't really my thing. I was more into ogling the armor and it's functionality (articulation, design, assembly), rather than actually fighting. The SCA is (to my knowledge) the largest medieval-based organization in the entire world, so there's clearly a draw to it for many people. If I weren't overbooked with so many other things, I'd probably go back in for the historical / craftsman aspects of it. While I agree the way they select King/Queen is biased and unconventional, it wouldn't make a bit of difference to me who is King/Queen, because I wouldn't really care; I'm just there for the armor and social aspects. :)
Eva de Carduus Weald:
I actually am heavily involved in the Baronial guard and am really starting to do a lot of crafting, i sculpt functional personalized wax seals for example. If I had the money and the time I would love to craft real plate armor and chain mail but sadly I don't have the time and money to. I am also finding joy in the crafting armor oogling side of things and I have no problem enjoying whatever monarch makes their way on the throne. I really more brought the whole thing up for conversation and to express my confusion as to how the way it was set up was a good way to have administration. If the rest of the Officers are the ones who actually run things then that makes a lot more sense.
The only thing I got my fur ruffled over is the, I am certain unintentional, suggestion that I or others like me might be a weaking or a coward. I am not cool with that. Otherwise as far as I am concerned it is all academic.
--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-21, 16:31:01 ---The only thing I got my fur ruffled over is the, I am certain unintentional, suggestion that I or others like me might be a weaking or a coward. I am not cool with that. Otherwise as far as I am concerned it is all academic.
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It is unintentional, that was not directed at you. I've been in the SCA 33 years, and I've fought for 15 of those. To allow non-combatants to win the throne is to allow a much higher chance that there are weaklings, cowards, etc who win. It has happened but, especially for the women who've won, it is much rarer.
BTW Eva, your Kingdom has the rarest thing of all: A Queen of your's won the Crown by her own hand, facing her hubby in Finals. It was said to be one of the most brutal, awesome, technical, furious, and overall spectacular events anyone had ever seen.
In the West we have several women who've won the Coronet, but none have won the Crown. Only Texas has that.
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