Miscellaneous > The Sallyport


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Eh. I like the sound of it though. The one with the highest combat skill is the ruler.

Eva de Carduus Weald:
But why should someone who doesn't do combat but who might do a fantastic job filling that role be precluded simply due to not being a fighter? Why should fighters be the only ones allowed to rule? What makes a good fighter a good ruler?

By the way this is for simple discourse, I am by no means seeking an argument, this is pure curiosity.

Well I see your point and I'm little confused about it too now.

Name me another contest that is fair. That shows the person is willing to sacrifice time, money, and body to prove they are worthy. That shows they are willing and able to defend the Kingdom or Principality if need be. Who is willing to prove, not just boast, that they are good, and one that has no judges and no politics in the achieving of the Crown (or at least aught not to).

There is a reason why the 100 Meter Dash is more respected & valued than Rhythmic Gymnastics after all. :)

Eva de Carduus Weald:
To me what will prove willingness to devote time, money, and body to prove they are worthy is devoting just that to your local barony/canton/kingdom for x length of time. To go through certain requirements like running events, donating time to serve at events, putting money into going to every one you can.

Combat is great but it is on very small aspect to the entire game. There are so very many ways to show dedication than just whacking each other with sticks. Politics will always play some part, big or small. The reason for this is that however much one might try not to, people are human. There are politics in combat, I can't tell you how many times in just the time I have been part of the SCA that I have heard this king was accused of Rhinoing and that is how he won, or that fighter should have won this because he was so much better. It happens.

It is just my personal opinion but honestly I think time and effort could be spent to figure out how to make it so that you there are more options for rulers, people who could do a great job if given half a chance but who simply can't under the current system simply because they can't/ don't wish to fight.


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