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Hallo aus die Gebirge

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Paulus von Zurich:
Paulus von Zurich ist heir!

Longtime re-enactor/history geek. I've been wearing wool and linen from multiple eras for two decades now. Started out in the SCA back when I was fresh out of high school done that for a few years and fought at three Pennsic Wars, moved on to hardcore 18th century re-enacting and it has been a whirlwind of time travel ever since. I have done or currently own kits from the Bronze Age to Vietnam.

 I have a couple good friends already on the forum and one that I consider one of my very best friends, Sir Wolf. Have always had a medieval kit laying around, it came to full fruition several years ago when we formed a mid-14th century group that eventually fractured and fell to the side. Now I am back to build a new medieval kit and this board has been sort of an inspiration for that for the past few weeks. Currently in the planning stages of a late 12th or early 13th century harness. Hopefully it will largely be together by the end of Sept.

Sir Edward:
Welcome to the forum!

Eva de Carduus Weald:
Welcome and well met! Your kits sound awesome! I would love to see pics if you have em'.

Welcome!  Any friend of Chuck's is a friend of ours!

Paulus von Zurich:
Thank you!

My dear Eva, I am afraid that would start a tourney with my good friend Sir Wolf.  ;D

Plus, many of them would not be on topic for this forum.


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