Main > The Great Hall

Jericho the freelancer here

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Aiden of Oreland:
Hail and well met.

Well I've got an "armor set" picked out but it's for barbarian look. Gonna buy it piece by piece.

So... Pre 3rd cen Gaul or Hun?

Really not sure. I couldn't find a set that I wanted to I figured I'd order different pieces and then work on them and customize them myself. The pieces are a visored barbute helm, gorget w/ pauldrons, gauntlets, a tasset belt, greaves, gambeson, coffin shield, and an ulfbert style sword. However I decided I want more of a nights look, but without having too much that I can't dress myself.

Aiden of Oreland:
That's sadly a very large range of options. I think you should go under the armory section and take a look at the "So you want to buy some armor?? Here's a 'get started' guide!!" And "DOs and DONTs when planning and buying a set of armor (harness)" posts. That way you can get a general idea of knights over the ages and get a good idea of how to approach the way you make your kit. That way you know what you want before you buy something and later realize you made a mistake. Believe me, I'm guilt of it.

Then when you think you are ready, you can make a post under the armory section. That way everyone can pitch in and help you make your kit properly.


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