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Stamina Training by wearing armor

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Sir Ulrich:
Ok, I don't get to use my armor much. So pretty much at most I can only wear it for a few hours at a time before I can't take it anymore. So my mom bought a treadmill for exercise and I been considering running on it to increase my stamina. Thing is I used to weight train when I was 19 and I ended up getting a hernia in my groin from overexerting myself that never healed properly. Last thing I wanna do is injure myself by wearing out my joints and back. Measuring my hauberk it weighs 19 pounds, used to weigh 21 but ever since removing the excess in the arms it's lighter. I weigh around 115, ever since I switched back to whole milk (reason for this being my legs are thin as hell due to being unable to use them as much due to my injury, rest of me is relatively normal). I think running on the treadmill in armor would be stupid honestly and injure my knees and back due to the impacts on my joints. But I don't think walking would be a dumb idea and would help me build the muscles to wear my armor for longer periods. Does anyone know if this is good; or is it just a stupid idea that will cause injury, cause last thing I want to do is injure myself again and never be able to use armor again?

IIRC there was a fella that advised knights to run a mile each day in the woods in their hauberk. There was a scene with Toby Capwell running in the woods in a show but bugger if I can remember which show it was.

How tall are you?

Oh, and apparently I'm as big as two of you (I'm 6' tall it's not so bad)

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-08-14, 06:12:12 ---IIRC there was a fella that advised knights to run a mile each day in the woods in their hauberk. There was a scene with Toby Capwell running in the woods in a show but bugger if I can remember which show it was.

How tall are you?

Oh, and apparently I'm as big as two of you (I'm 6' tall it's not so bad)

--- End quote ---

thorsteinn that show is going medieval.
Push ups also do well for getting used to the armor. Sit ups are more painful.

Sir William:
Even trudging through the woods or any varied terrain is going to boost your stamina; unless you're a regular runner (that is, something you do daily or regularly per week) I wouldn't advise starting to run in armor.


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-08-14, 18:49:05 ---Even trudging through the woods or any varied terrain is going to boost your stamina; unless you're a regular runner (that is, something you do daily or regularly per week) I wouldn't advise starting to run in armor.

--- End quote ---


If you're not already very conditioned to stamina building activities, you really have no business trying to build stamina in armor.  You need to become well acquainted with the capabilities and limits of your physical fitness without armor before you add armor to the equation or you will inevitably injure yourself.


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