Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Game: "Grand Ages: Medieval"


Sir Douglas:
For any RTS/Civilization builder fans out there, here's a thing:


Might be something worth keeping an eye on....

Sir Edward:

Huh, could be interesting. It looks like they plan to release next year.

Eva de Carduus Weald:
It would be far more awesome if it were a simulation RPG. Like say mount & blade but less restricted.


--- Quote from: Eva de Carduus Weald on 2014-08-19, 15:51:26 ---It would be far more awesome if it were a simulation RPG. Like say mount & blade but less restricted.

--- End quote ---

starting alpha soon:

here's the thread on it:

Eva de Carduus Weald:
This looks awesome! Now if they can actually keep it so that it fulfills the promises made. I would love to see other things you can be though, for example an armorer, a noble, have tournaments, win lands from the king (once you rescue him or maybe from his brother who took the throne) have other options than just rogue, archer, or knight. I mean how did he become a knight/archer/rogue in the first place. those are pretty specific. But it does look like a good game and there might be surprises I am not seeing.


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