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Congratulations Sir Brian!

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Michael Forrest, Brian's opponent in one of the matches, used to run the HEMA group out here btw.

He seems to have improved quite a bit in the last 3 years. :)

Sir Brian,  Congratulations indeed.

I just have one thought though,  "Three cheers for Sir Thumbs!!! " now that nickname is going to stick unless changed to  the more accurate "Sir Green Thumbs".

Again Congratulations


Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Timothy on 2014-07-27, 14:08:10 ---Sir Brian,  Congratulations indeed.

I just have one thought though,  "Three cheers for Sir Thumbs!!! " now that nickname is going to stick unless changed to  the more accurate "Sir Green Thumbs".

Again Congratulations


--- End quote ---

On that note ... Sir Brian deserves to be honored in song. I shall use the melody of Greensleeves with a little more upbeat tempo and rename it "Green-thumbs".  ;D

Sir Brian:

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-07-26, 03:29:46 ---Michael Forrest, Brian's opponent in one of the matches, used to run the HEMA group out here btw.
He seems to have improved quite a bit in the last 3 years. :)
--- End quote ---

Yeah Sir Edward and I had a chance to talk with Mike the next day and he is really a super nice guy. What was cool at the awards dinner was Mike Edelson announcing Mike Forrest’s completion of the HEMA Alliance’s Instructor Certification, so definitely congratulations to Mike for being one of the first few instructors in obtaining this new certification. :)

Sir Brian:
They posted the statistics from Longpoint 2014. The stats clearly show that you don’t have to win EVERY match to advance or place, just win the RIGHT matches.  ;)


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