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How to put on 12th century armor

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Sir Nate:
^ Never looked at it that way

--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-10-13, 04:19:33 ---
--- Quote from: scott2978 on 2014-10-11, 01:59:08 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-07-28, 00:48:52 ---
But what this image would show is that armor was protective enough that the combatants would be willing to not use shields.

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I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. Without viewing this (or any other) medieval illustration within the context of the text, it's impossible to say much about what's depicted therein.

I will add that this particular picture is also famous for it's illustration of knights grappled with each other to remove their enemies' helm. This alone does not mean that such tactics were common. It is not until you combine this with other sources across space and time that the truth of the picture comes into focus.


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I will do so Scott.

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I found nothing Scott.

Sir William:
I think Sir Wolf has a new admirer!

Lord Dane:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2015-03-27, 15:28:46 ---I think Sir Wolf has a new admirer!

--- End quote ---

Second that. He gets an A in effort just for the time to write all that.

Mike W.:
Looks like someone studied something more than amateur armchair history. I applaud you sir on your demonstrated abilities in research, analysis, and most importantly, historical interpretation.

Sir Wolf:
your conclusions are riddled with fallacies. sorry but constant stuff makes me glaze over and i dont read all of it. you shot yourself in the foot by commenting that cause cause i wasn't in real medieval combat... then said they had it in rome so musta been used later. derppppppp wrong lol


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