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Term for cross on helm?

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-07-15, 13:00:57 ---I don't think there's an official term for it. People often refer to the various holes on the face plate as "breath holes" or something similar, so I would just say that it's one that happens to be cross shaped.

You'll notice that some helms have holes evenly on both sides, and others put most of them on the right cheek. The reason for the latter, is that the left cheek is the side that's more likely to take a punch from a lance.

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For the helm in this picture. Wouldn't that cross ventilation shape prove to be more risky when taking a lance to the face? Since it's 4 corners that don't connect. Which risks the chance of a lance pushing the metal out of the way and going into the persons face? Where with multiple holes there is still less chance of the metal opening? Although there is a greater chance of splinters going through the helm.


--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-07-17, 22:57:00 ---For the helm in this picture. Wouldn't that cross ventilation shape prove to be more risky when taking a lance to the face? Since it's 4 corners that don't connect. Which risks the chance of a lance pushing the metal out of the way and going into the persons face? Where with multiple holes there is still less chance of the metal opening? Although there is a greater chance of splinters going through the helm.

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Yes, if a lance happened to hit the bulls eye it would probably split right open.  You've basically pre-scored the faceplate  to peel back like petals allowing the lance to skewer your jaw.  But hey, you'll look cool before you die :)  In that case, I would say the most appropriate name for that cross is 'target.'  ;D

I asked my esteemed armorer Jeffrey Hildebrandt this question and he said he's never heard of any special name for them.


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