Main > The Armoury

Keeping up with the Eds & Nathans

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Sir Edward:

Nice crest! I've always liked that style.

Frater de Beaumanoir:
Thank you all. The wings are the work of one of your very own; Doug David. Splendid work indeed.

As big as they are....they take up plenty of room in the truck cab, I only hit one umbrella the whole day and that was due to a last minute "bob & weave" of pagans from a food court.

It wears well and is not noticible....from the inside.  ;)

Sir James A:

Sir Patrick:
Very nice!  I'd come across a shot of that online a while back, but didn't realize it was you. How are they attached, if I may ask? 

Don Jorge:
Awesome! Doug is an amazing craftsman!


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