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Hey guys, we had a guy (Stephan Laird of Jasper Alabama) order some armor from our shop (imperial armories) a few months back, then after it shipped, he canceled the payment via paypal which apparently is a thing that paypal allows. Paypal was told to go to hell by their credit card company when we appealed, and then paypal told us that there isn't anything they can do. All attempts to contact the guy have been met with silence.
So we are out almost three grand. If anyone in the area finds or sees this armor wandering around at a local larp or convention, id appreciate it if you could report this guys suit as stolen to the local PD. It is not dag legal, but if this guy is dumb enough to think i won't come after him, then he is dumb enough to wear it around.
We are pursuing legal action on our end but i was told there probably isn't much they can do, so im reaching out to the nerd community. If you guys could repost this and get this guy i would appreciate it.
Jeremiah Kade O'Brien

I have met this man at the Texas RenFaire and he is a REALLY nice guy. His work is THE BEST I've ever seen. Lets help get this guy his armor back....

If I spot it out west I'll drop a dime.

Got a pic of the offender?

Unfortunately no. Just the name Stephan Laird.

Sir William:
That's pretty distinctive...if I see it, I'll drop a line.

Sir Edward:
That's some beautiful fantasy armor. It amazes me that people will do this sort of thing. This should definitely be taken to law enforcement. Failing that, a lawsuit. (though I understand, legal fees often are so high, that it's not worth pursuing, just by the numbers).


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