Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Rocket Science

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Successful launch!  My wife and daughter got to be there.  I unfortunately had an MRI scheduled an hour before the launch time and Wallops is over 2 hrs away so I could never get there in time.  If it hadn't shifted to Sunday I would have had some awesome photos!  Doh!

Sir Nate:
My Math teacher who helped design the current gps satellite showed us a failed rocket launch video.
The rocket began to fly off course so they blew it up.
There's something that your inner 9 year old loves when you see a rocket shoot up and explode :)

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-07-16, 02:47:25 ---There's something that your inner 9 year old loves when you see a rocket shoot up and explode :)

--- End quote ---

And that's half the fun of playing Kerbal Space Program on the computer. :)


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