Main > The Courtyard

Tell me about your proudest shot you pulled off.

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Lord Chagatai:

--- Quote from: Don Jorge on 2014-07-10, 18:39:29 ---In Ymir 2014 I authorized and participated in the was my first match and being a lefty and 6'5 people went to wrap my butt a lot...during that first match after blocking the wrap 2 or 3 times this person came again and I feigned the block and waited for them to drop their shield and commit to the shot and just slammed their helmet with an offside shot from was satisfying to  throw on shot and win :)

Leg for a head shot every has happened a few times in other tournaments since then!

--- End quote ---

Awesome fun times...done that a lot too.....but when I fight lefties I line up goofy foot...fake the leg and mollinet (sp) into the body....GOOD TIMES!!!! :)

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