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GOT: Is the show making swords look heavy?

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Sir Nate:
I noticed this only after someone I was talking to Thought swords were Heavy, because of Game of thrones. And when I was watching fight scenes, I noticed that everyone with a sword seems to have to put alot of effort into swinging the sword around. Now this raises 3 questions.
1. Are the swords that they are using actually heavy?
2. or Are the Fight coordinators telling them to fight this way and make the swords look heavy?
3. why would they purposely want the swords to look heavy?
(Now I would post videos, or say names of certain fights, but that would probably contain too many spoilers)

I don't know that I agree with your premise. 

There are only two swords in Game of Thrones that are intentionally depicted as heavy that I can think of off the top of my head.  The first being Ice (Ned Stark's old sword), which was largely a ceremonial sword and used for executions, not really a war sword.  The other is the Mountain's sword.  But the Mountain is supposed to be using a massive sword because, well... he's the Mountain.

All the other sword fighters in the show, Brienne, Jaime, Syrio Forel, Bronn, The Hound, Arya, Jon Snow etc all seem to handle their swords pretty deftly.

Sometimes if the actors are not that skilled with technique something may seem awkward and therefore might be interpreted as the sword is heavy, but I think they do a decent job.  They're not using Liechtenauer and Fiore to a tee, but I've seen much worse swordplay on screen.

Sir Patrick:
Could be what you see as heavy is supposed to be tired out from fighting  :-\. I'll tell from experience, even sport fencing can tucker you out pretty quickly.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-30, 20:28:04 ---I don't know that I agree with your premise. 

There are only two swords in Game of Thrones that are intentionally depicted as heavy that I can think of off the top of my head.  The first being Ice (Ned Stark's old sword), which was largely a ceremonial sword and used for executions, not really a war sword.  The other is the Mountain's sword.  But the Mountain is supposed to be using a massive sword because, well... he's the Mountain.

All the other sword fighters in the show, Brienne, Jaime, Syrio Forel, Bronn, The Hound, Arya, Jon Snow etc all seem to handle their swords pretty deftly.

Sometimes if the actors are not that skilled with technique something may seem awkward and therefore might be interpreted as the sword is heavy, but I think they do a decent job.  They're not using Liechtenauer and Fiore to a tee, but I've seen much worse swordplay on screen.

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Ya I was thinking of the hound, But I suppose that makes sense, since im sure many of the actors are no skilled swordsman. Plus the armor they are wearing is probably still heavy.
But if the proportions where right on the character that played the mountain the sword should still be light in his hands ;)

--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-06-30, 20:42:49 ---Could be what you see as heavy is supposed to be tired out from fighting  :-\. I'll tell from experience, even sport fencing can tucker you out pretty quickly.

--- End quote ---
That's also a possibility.
but Ive also only watched a bit of the show so I haven't seen other characters wield swords in combat.

Sir Nate:
Well, I've now watched all of season 1 and find there to be no problem with the sword swinging. But I suppose there is still a problem if some people are actually watching much of the show(since I before had only watched some) and they are getting the impression swords are heavy.
Maybe it isn't the show Per say but just the fact that people think that in the first place.


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