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Mildly GoT-Related Question

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Sir Patrick:
I'm betting we have the same theory. The seed is strong, as they say ;)


--- Quote ---I have a theory about his indiscretion that I think will be revealed in a future book :)
--- End quote ---

Share with the class. Is it that Jon Snow is Stannis's son?


--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-07-01, 01:02:51 ---
--- Quote ---I have a theory about his indiscretion that I think will be revealed in a future book :)
--- End quote ---

Share with the class. Is it that Jon Snow is Stannis's son?

--- End quote ---


So, the best theory I was exposed to and circulates in certain circles was this... Consider that Ned is so honor bound that it basically results in his own death.  He isn't willing to compromise any of his principles, literally to his end.  So why would a man like this so honor bound go off to war and cheat on his wife and come back with a son?  He wouldn't.

Meanwhile Lyanna Stark was a little bit smitten by Raegar Targaryen.  Then suddenly during  Robert's Rebellion, Lyanna Stark dies in Ned's arms.   Ned swears some great promise to Lyanna as she dies.  Her last words are 'promise me Ned!' And then he suddenly has a son named Jon...  Ned's willing to bear the shame of his fake indiscretion because of he is bound by his honor to Lyanna.  Making Jon the son of a Stark and a Targaryen... the Song of Ice and Fire if you will.. heyyyooooooo!!!

Sir Patrick:
Interesting premise. Mine's similar:

Same idea as to the why, but I'm thinking Jon is Robert Baratheon and Lyanna Stark. I'm thinking when the whole story shakes out, Jon and Danarys will end up together, uniting the lines of the Mad King and the Usurper, making everyone happy (except the Lannisters).

Hello, This sounds like the scored earth policy Hitler ordered when all was lost. Speer was ordered to destroy any and everything of use and value. He ignored the order.

He was more than right to do so.



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