It's definitely worth saving your sanity on this, for sure. I've been doing the work myself on my mail stuff. If it weren't for the fact that I've already made a hauberk, and thus have spent enough time with it that I don't have to think too hard on it, I probably wouldn't continue with it.
I have a love-hate thing going on with mail. I love that it's something I can do. I hate doing it, because of how mindlessly repetitive it is.
The tailoring on yours looks really good. I'm assuming they tapered the body tube inward around the waist, and left expansion in the skirt and shoulders? Ideally the back should be wider than the front too (sleeves angled forward slightly). It will move a lot more nicely with these features. From the picture, I think they did all of these things and really got it right.
On the sleeve length, I don't think you need to trim it, from the picture. I've found sleeves to "pull back" a bit once plate components are strapped on. Of course, if you've tried it already, I could be completely wrong.

I'm looking at your right arm, angled up. The mail needs to be able to accommodate that, and not be pulled forward too far.