Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Which Monty Python & The Holy Grail character are you? quiz

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Sir William:
It would seem I am the Black Knight.


"You're invincible!  You've learned how to channel your unwavering confidence and stubornness into ironclad perspective.  Even when the world seems dead set against you, you know how to ride (or hobble) through the rough patches.  After all, any injury 'tis but a scratch- and you've had worse, right?"

Love it!

Lord Chagatai:

--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-06-24, 18:50:50 ---It would seem I am the Black Knight.


"You're invincible!  You've learned how to channel your unwavering confidence and stubornness into ironclad perspective.  Even when the world seems dead set against you, you know how to ride (or hobble) through the rough patches.  After all, any injury 'tis but a scratch- and you've had worse, right?"

Love it!

--- End quote ---

"'Tis but a flesh wound...I can still bite ya"

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