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Looking For The Best Hand and a Half Trainers

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I was wondering if you fine fellows would know of any high quality trainers? I am looking to use this trainer alone, to get used to a sword in my hand; and to start self teaching basic forms and the like. I want to get a hand and a half trainer to use with the heater shields I will be DIYing as soon as I have a trainer lined up. Price is subjective to the quality at hand. If my request is to broad, please ask for the information you need to give a better suggestion.

Also, any thoughts on my choice of starter weapons? A hand and a half sword and heater shield.

Can't go wrong with Purpleheart Armoury & their Synthetic Type 3 Pentii's or their steel feders. However speaking as a shieldman your best bet is to work the broadsword & shield, and then have a longsword for your two handed work.

I'm not sure what you want to do was every used in history.

Are you planing any HEMA, SCA, or other WMA activities in the future?

Thorsteinn is right. A hand and a half combined with a heater shield is an odd combination. While it physically could be done, historically you'll see shorter single handed swords in combination with shield or buckler, and longer swords without any shield at all.

Sir Edward:
As others have said, a longsword really is meant to be used by itself. A shorter, single-hander would be ideal for working with sword and buckler.

For synthetic trainers (far better than wooden wasters, IMHO, and about the same price), I would definitely go with the Purple Heart type-III.

Longsword: $125

Single-hand: $125 ($110 on sale currently)

If however you would like to train with steel (which has quickly become the standard in HEMA/WMA circles), there are several great options out there. I think some of the best currently on the market are the Albion Meyer and A&A Fechterspiels, but if you want to spend a little less, the trainers from Darkwood Armory (not to be confused with Darksword Armory, which is totally different) are a pretty good deal. I added the shipping/handling charges on the A&A models since they show it with the price on their pages. I'm not sure about the shipping from the others. Albion's tends to run around $25-$35.

For all steel weapons, I recommend adding a "thrusting tip". One of the easiest methods is to fold a couple of pieces of leather over the tip and tape it down. Or, you can find rubber safety tips online, I think.


Albion Meyer: $490

A&A Fechterspiel: $490 + $51 S&H (training grade)

Darkwood basic-training longsword: $340

The two following "Federschwerts" are new, so I haven't seen them up-close. But it looks like they're replacing the older Federschwert design that they had, which while light and whippy, were great for light practice without a ton of safety gear. We used to use the old models occasionally with just t-shirts, masks, and gloves, for half-speed, technique-driven work.

CAS-Iberia "club" Federschwert: $295
CAS-Iberia "Meyer" Federschwert: $299


CAS-Iberia/Hanwei Practical hand-and-a-half: $250
(I'm including this with the single-hands, since this one is actually a bit small for a longsword, and works nicely for shield or buckler use. Or at least, earlier generations did. I don't think they've changed the design too enormously since then).

CAS-Iberia/Hanwei Practical single-hand: $220

Albion I:33 sparring sword: $460

A&A scholar's sword: $395 + $44 S&H

Darkwood Arming sword: $285

Thank you Sir Edward! The Practical Hand and a Half you recommended is perfect! And thank you Thorsteinn and Ian for your input. I will let all of you know when I get it.


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