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Fact-checking fight-books: comparing historic injury patterns to strikes...

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Sir James A:
The flesh-based wounds is a *fantastic* point that I hadn't even thought about!

Roland's second to last paragraph is a little off though.  Modern forensics, even on 14th century skeletons can most definitely tell if a wound was consistent with a sword, or axe, or mace etc.  You can also tell by skeletal damage if the victim was most likely standing, sitting etc.. and other information about the positional relationship between him and his attacker.  He's selling forensics a little bit short.  But that doesn't really take away from his overall point.

Sir Brian:
I watched this National Geographic episode of their Warrior Graveyard series a couple of months ago. It really breaks down how several of the skeletons were killed in the battle of Jacob's ford castle in Israel using forensic anthropology.

Sir James A:
Aha! I mentioned that show to Sir Nathan when going to / coming back from VARF. And maybe Chris too. But I know I mentioned the show and couldn't remember the name of the battle. I thought it was interesting.


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