Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Games: The Witcher 3

<< < (4/5) > >>

Sir Edward:

I pre-ordered it a while ago, so I'm set. I started playing Witcher 2, and then my video card failed. I lost momentum during the few weeks that the card was out for RMA. I'll get back to it eventually, but right now Dragon Age: Inquisition has my attention.


--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-12-04, 14:29:57 ---I'll get back to it eventually, but right now Dragon Age: Inquisition has my attention.

--- End quote ---

Haha, yes... so far Origin says it has captured about 48 hrs of my attention!

Sir William:
Sir Ian, you're playing DA:Origin?  You're in for it man- 48 hours is but a pittance.  ;)


--- Quote from: Sir William on 2014-12-09, 18:09:39 ---Sir Ian, you're playing DA:Origin?  You're in for it man- 48 hours is but a pittance.  ;)

--- End quote ---

I played DAO when it came out and really enjoyed it. We're talking about DA:Inquisition, the one that was just released a couple weeks ago.  So far, the best in the series.  Much grander and bigger than DA:O, and I didn't care for DA2, but DA:I is making up for it.

Sir William:
Oh, sorry.  When  you said 'Origin' I just assumed you meant DA: Origin.  I'm vacillating between salivation and outright fear of that game...fear that it could soak up loads of my time (just like the previous two entries).  I did like both- the first for the heavy RPG aspect and engaging storyline, the second I liked for the admittedly shallow action bits and lite RPG, I guess mostly because I didn't have to read all of the dialog.  I think my eyes might be going...it gets harder and harder to read that stuff, no matter how big a screen I'm playing on.


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