Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
So it seems, for some reason, Darksword Armory is doing Pay-Per-View.
So I pointed out hat, given what we saw the fights must have a severely high injury rate. His reply was this
--- Quote from: Dark Sword Armory ---We can't speak for the combat styles in general - to my knowledge, none of us in the company are members of Animus or any of the other groups involved, so we really just don't know. However, we did have one injury that required stitches during filming (an accidental hit to the head, I believe). Otherwise, there wasn't too much outside of the occasional bruise (and quite a lot of the competitors were wearing armour).
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Kinda tells you all you need to know right there. Dude seems to be living in his own little world.
Sir William:
Yea, what's an 'accidental hit to the head' in a live combat art? Or did he mean someone missed a step in the choreography? Man...its like he's gone in a different direction altogether.
--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-06-11, 17:17:30 ---So I pointed out hat, given what we saw the fights must have a severely high injury rate. His reply was this
--- Quote from: Dark Sword Armory ---We can't speak for the combat styles in general - to my knowledge, none of us in the company are members of Animus or any of the other groups involved, so we really just don't know. However, we did have one injury that required stitches during filming (an accidental hit to the head, I believe). Otherwise, there wasn't too much outside of the occasional bruise (and quite a lot of the competitors were wearing armour).
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Kinda tells you all you need to know right there. Dude seems to be living in his own little world.
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Where is this being discussed? I've got to see this thread!
Sir William:
I don't know that it's a thread, Ian- at least, I haven't seen it as of yet. Maybe Thorsteinn has...could be a FB discussion as I haven't seen it on AA.
--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-06-11, 17:53:32 ---Where is this being discussed? I've got to see this thread!
--- End quote ---
Ask and ye shall recieve!
Real Chivalric Fighting!
Darksword Armory's new pay-per-view show...
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