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Author Topic: 14th century Reference Books  (Read 12382 times)

Sir Jason Simonds

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14th century Reference Books
« on: 2014-06-03, 22:54:46 »
There are a lot of books posted here over many time periods and it is hard to go through them all. So I am starting a topic on just 14th Century books.

What would you consider to be some of the best reference books in regards to Clothing and Armor of the 14th century?

Thank you.


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Re: 14th century Reference Books
« Reply #1 on: 2014-06-03, 23:36:47 »
There aren't many books that specifically target the 14th century, but there are many that include the 14th century.  Here are the main references I use.  The bottom few do focus on the 14th century.  These are the main ones I use off the top of my head.  They are mostly England-centric since that's my focus.

From the Museum of London Series
Shoes and Pattens
Dress Accessories
Textiles and Clothing
Knives and Scabbards

From Olaf Goubitz
Stepping Through Time - An excellent resource on shoes
Purses in Pieces - Purses, pouches etc...

Fashion in the Age of the Black Prince
Medieval Tailor's Assistant - excellent resource on patterning and creating your own garments

For a glimpse in to 14th century daily life as well as material culture these are 3 outstanding resources:
Daily Life in Chaucer's England
Time Traveler's Guide to Medieval England

and of course, the book that started it all for me:

The Peel Affinity
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Re: 14th century Reference Books
« Reply #3 on: 2014-06-04, 02:33:26 »
I just bought a copy of The Peel Affinity from Robert von Rens at an SCA event and so far I am loving it! Definitely recommend it!

Sir Rodney

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Re: 14th century Reference Books
« Reply #4 on: 2014-06-04, 05:35:49 »
I provided a review of The Peel Affinity on myArmoury some time ago.   I love this book.  Not only is it pure eye candy, but the bibliography is outstanding!   :)
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Joshua Santana

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Re: 14th century Reference Books
« Reply #5 on: 2017-02-09, 16:16:27 »
I would also like to recommend Steve Mulbherger's books on 14th Century military history such as "The Combat of the Thirty," "Charney's Men a Arms," "The Twelve of England," and "Deeds of Arms" which are available at Freelance Academy Press.  I would also add Bob Charrete's book on Fiore. 
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