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Safety in armored combat - a note on helmets

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-06-04, 17:27:16 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-06-04, 02:09:37 ---I would make monty python joke, but I am wondering a few things on helmet safety, With helm's for my century's I often find if not fitted right the face of the helm will sometimes lie on my nose, And I realize this could make it easy for someone to smash my helmet into my nose and brake it. How can I prevent that with my type of helm?

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Probably not the answer you want, but, one you need to hear. If your nose is that close in the helmet, it's unsafe. You need a different helmet for any serious combat. I have a couple inches of space in front of my nose in that helmet, and none on the sides or rear (padding is maybe 1" thick all around except at face).

--- Quote from: Sir Naythan on 2014-06-04, 02:09:37 ---Also, who broke your nose?
btw, "Ive had worse!!"

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My nephew Chris is the one I was fighting with. It was his first day on the field too. Complete strangers or great friends doesn't make bones any stronger or weaker. It can happen to anybody on any day.

--- End quote ---

He was trained too well.
Also, I guessed as much with my Helm.  I just wanted to know so when I get a new one it will have the extra room needed. 

To your continued good health and good luck Sir James of the iron beak.


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