Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Ah HAH!!! I've got her!

<< < (3/3)

She's 5'9" and 198lbs. Before she got pregnant she was 180 and athletic (did yoga daily. Ran 2 miles every other day. Worked 40hrs a week in a kitchen. Etc).

2.4lbs down and 15.6 to go. :)

Now to see what happens first: She kills me from the strain, or she gets used to the diet. :)

Sir Edward:

What sort of diet are you trying? I'm just curious.

I've known several people to try Atkins, and get sick of it right quick. :) Dieting is such a pain in general. It's probably easier when you're accountable to someone else for it.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-06-06, 13:59:36 ---
What sort of diet are you trying? I'm just curious.

I've known several people to try Atkins, and get sick of it right quick. :) Dieting is such a pain in general. It's probably easier when you're accountable to someone else for it.

--- End quote ---

There is always the see-food diet


--- Quote from: Sir Edward on 2014-06-06, 13:59:36 ---What sort of diet are you trying? I'm just curious.

I've known several people to try Atkins, and get sick of it right quick. :) Dieting is such a pain in general. It's probably easier when you're accountable to someone else for it.
--- End quote ---

The "Sean Lost 50lbs Twice This Way" diet.  ;D

Low carb (so that you can still have cookies or pizza now and again) high veg, moderate protein. Gym time 3x week & other exercise 4x a week. 2000 cal/day goal.

Keeping the weight off can be hard, especially around Xmas but it will make getting in shape easier. She has protein most every day in the form of 2 eggs. It's a very fluid diet designed to be sustainable, flavorful, and adaptable. Like tonight were having a good low fat meal of chicken, barley, & veg but I'm adding cookies to it because she has had a damned hard week.


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