Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

FF XIV Polearm, featuring A&A!

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Sir Nate:
That mace is scary, but it is so slow I really don't think it would be that effective in combat.

Lord Dane:
Not very sensible for a one handed weapon in personal combat to weigh so much.

I don't think the weapons from video games are in any way intended to be sensible, usable or practical guys.... they're fantasy weapons for a reason.  I was merely pointing these videos out because they feature people like Craig Johnson, Jake Powning and Andre Sinou.

Aiden of Oreland:
I think these are fun little videos. Plus let's be honest, we are no daedric lord or Dragon Born, so of coarse it seems heavy. That armor looks familiar, is that not the one that got stolen awhile back?


--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-06-02, 03:01:14 ---That armor looks familiar, is that not the one that got stolen awhile back?

--- End quote ---

Good eye, yes I believe that is Icefalcon's harness that was stolen and eventually found again.


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