Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Order of the Marshall Calendar

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Aiden of Oreland:
Jumping in leaves in fall, November idk raise an order of the marshal flag :) mothers day have a breakfast in bed or wear an apron while cooking pancakes. Fathers day you could do some thatching or carpenter.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-05-27, 17:42:49 ---From the technical side, you're going to require photos of acceptable resolution to print calendar sized images.  The rule of thumb for 8x10 sized images if roughly 2400 x 3000 up to 2880 x 3600 for the minimum size resolution that will print an 8x10 at acceptable quality.  So depending on the size of the calendar print, you can't just pull some crappy jpg image off a computer an expect to print well.  Ideally, your base image should be even higher resolution than that and look good at 1x1 scale.  If you plan on selling these images, then you should go about it the right way and use the right equipment.

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I need to double-check the original images, but I believe they were 8 or 10 megapixel photos from a digital SLR; I know they were in the roughly 2,000 pixel size range and down-scaled considerably for book of faces, of course. If you can help out, that would be awesome!

I don't plan to sell it to make any money, profits would just go to Make A Wish / etc through the Order.


--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-05-28, 19:24:46 ---I don't plan to sell it to make any money, profits would just go to Make A Wish / etc through the Order.

--- End quote ---

I understand that part.  I'm just thinking if you intend to sell anything for any reason, it should be as professional a product as possible.  It would certainly sell more if it looks its best! :)

Aiden of Oreland:
Thinking about it, is there Order products that are sold to the general public for Make A Wish? If not, that could be a cool thing to have. Set up a little stand for the products along with the calendar

Sir Wolf:
hehe have an easter egg of farb somewhere in each picture ;)


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