Miscellaneous > The Sallyport
Mace of Molag Bal with Icefalcon!
The mace of Molag Bal from Elder Scrolls... wielded by Andre Sinou!! Haha...
Icefalcon stars in this sweet featurette from Geek and Sundry along with some cool stuff on casting the fantasy mace:
Aiden of Oreland:
I want this... Question, do I have to kill a follower of another lord or god to get this? If so I except.
Sir Rodney:
That must’ve been fun for Andre! 8)
Sir William:
That thing's a monster...and would take a Daedric sort to wield it effectively (or a rather large Dovahkiin I suppose). I liked it nonetheless.
Sir Nate:
So where is the nearest Molag Bal Shrine?
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