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Angelswords - why are they so pricey?

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Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Sir Patrick on 2014-05-22, 15:03:04 ---I guess my big question regarding their booth is this:  Anyone into this hobby does some checking around before buying darn near anything for their kit, let alone a sword, so are these renfaire sales just impulse buys?  If so, that's a hefty chunk of change to blow at a faire on the spur of the moment!

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Lol, Spur of the moment is 20 to 300 Dollars, Not 5k.

Sir Nate:
Sir Edward maybe this conversation should be moved to the funnies, Angel swords is a joke.
Wow 30,000, That is more than many make in a year. A conversation about swords has ruined my day. I don't want to call people that buy the 5000 dollar stuff stupid, They just don't know. But My God this sword company is in business still. Well they probably have two guys with some steel, leather and glue making swords in the back.
It would be like Mcdonalds selling a Big mac with extra Bacon for 10,000 Dollars. And they give you Turkey Bacon!!!!

Sir Rodney:
Yeh, Badger has a booth at the MN Ren Fest as well.   ::)  Again, they’re far separated from A&A.

Arms & Armor: 146-148 “Market Place”
Badger Blades: 732 “Narrow Market”
Angel Sword: 653-654 “Upson Downs”

Minnesota Renaissance Festival Map

Allan Senefelder:
Such a story I could tell about this guy and his wares, such a story.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Allan Senefelder on 2014-05-23, 12:12:06 ---Such a story I could tell about this guy and his wares, such a story.

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One of these days, I would love to hear it. :)


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