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Custom tailor???

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I notice a lot of my (Hopefully future brothers) all wear their own symbols and banners. Though I'm curious, are you all sewing them yourselves? I have 100% of 0 sewing skills. I am also kinda computer dumb on designing these things. Any suggestions on either front? Would like to take my family crest. (Shown in my signature) and turn it into my design for a Surcoat/tabard and banner.

Sir Edward:

Yep, we all design our own, and a great place to start is Inkwell's Coat of Arms Design Studio, which is the one we've standardized on for display on the Order's website. It doesn't do everything, so usually we have to do a mix of that, plus photoshop.

Some of the surcoats people use are ones they made themselves, but there are also several folks out there who make them. A couple of examples that I've used:

Ravensteed Productions (my sister-in-law and her husband use the same business name for her sewing, and his woodworking. Her queue is long and unpredictable)

Fuhlen Designs (Jessica Finley, who was at one time on this forum. She's a swordmanship instructor, and unfortunately will no longer be local to us next month. She does very nice work on arming garments in general)

I know Sir Brian and others have used some other seamstresses as well, so they may have additional links or contacts to share.

Sir Brian:
I can provide you contact information via PM if you wish for the seamstress I use who is literally a couple of miles away from my house. She is quick, reasonably priced and highly skilled. She has made for me linen tunics, chausses, braes as well as two different designed surcoats.

Sir James A:
Sir Brian's seamstress did my surcoat as well.

Banner by Isabella E of (Windy Valley Banners)

Gonfalon by Cillene at

Happy with all of them, although Isabella E isn't giving completion dates on commissions any more due to change in employment; believe she also made Sir Ian's, Sir Edward's, Sir Brian and Sir William's banners


--- Quote from: Sir Brian on 2014-05-19, 13:29:47 ---I can provide you contact information via PM if you wish for the seamstress I use who is literally a couple of miles away from my house. She is quick, reasonably priced and highly skilled. She has made for me linen tunics, chausses, braes as well as two different designed surcoats.

--- End quote ---

That would be great actually Sir Brian. I would like to find out if she can turn my family crest to a surcoat.


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