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DC Area: European Martial Arts Academy


Sir Edward:

Just thought I'd pass this along for those in the DC-area. There's a new academy opening for European Martial Arts. I know nothing about the curriculum, or quality of instruction, etc. But this comes via the Medieval Madness people:

Sir William:
I got an email about it this morning; worth having a look at the least, no?

Mike W.:
Being an enrolled student for the past month and a half, I'd say it's been a positive experience. Though the class seems to be a bit heavily focus on only Talhoffer.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-05-16, 14:47:00 ---Being an enrolled student for the past month and a half, I'd say it's been a positive experience. Though the class seems to be a bit heavily focus on only Talhoffer.

--- End quote ---

Ah, so this is the one you're taking classes at? Cool.

Glad to hear it's been good. But yeah, if they're focused on just one part of the historical arts, that does open the possibility for some "cross pollination" if folks there want to interact with other local HEMA groups.


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