Main > The Armoury

Oof! Don't skimp on da hands!

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Tom broke his metacarpal... that has little to do with the finger part of the gauntlet.  Mittens and finger gauntlets both have a metacarpal plate, so I don't think it would matter what style of gauntlet it was.

Sir Rodney:
I can attest to the fact that it’s the quality and fit of the gauntlet that’s important, not the type.  After some serious damage to my right thumb years ago, I ditched my ill-fitting clamshell gauntlets.  These were the stereotypical, run of the mill, off the peg, gauntlets you see many SCAdians wearing.  I opted to make my own faux finger gauntlets with enclosed thumbs patterned after photographs of Mad Matt’s and Anshelm Arms examples.  My hands are protected to a much higher degree these days.

As Ian stated, sometimes it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing.  An overzealous polearm blow that’s poorly blocked is going to hurt no matter what (as in my case).  Well fitted armour does make a huge difference, but accidents do happen.  We all play very rough games.   :)

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-05-12, 22:23:04 ---Tom broke his metacarpal... that has little to do with the finger part of the gauntlet.  Mittens and finger gauntlets both have a metacarpal plate, so I don't think it would matter what style of gauntlet it was.

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Yep, I've got that part. :) Here's my confusion re: finger gauntlets specifically since it seems like a few people are thinking Tom broke that bone because of wearing finger gauntlets

--- Quote from: Thorsteinn on 2014-05-09, 17:57:09 ---"Opinions on finger gauntlets for combat" on the Archive.
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--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-05-10, 01:28:49 ---OUCH!!! Now I know not to buy finger gauntlets

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You're not confused James. People who think Tom's injury was sustained specifically because of finger gauntlets are confused.  ;)

Aiden of Oreland:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-05-13, 11:32:03 ---You're not confused James. People who think Tom's injury was sustained specifically because of finger gauntlets are confused.  ;)

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I am confused  :o


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