Main > The Armoury

Where to begin? New Kit in the working..

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Sir Wolf:
have a friend rezsize your coa so it is the size you need. then print it off. then put carbon paper down on your shield and trace the outline of your coa pieces on your shield. thats how i did it

Sir Jason Simonds:
I think I am going to try and print out each charge individually and transfer them to some sort of material to use as templates. First I need to get the paint and do the divisions and let them dry, then I will start on the charges. Only 5 tinctures to get: gules (burgandy), sable, or, argent (white), and argent (silver).

Sir Jason Simonds:
Started working on painting my shield today. Pictures posted on facebook.

Completed the divisions, but may need another coat.
Need to acquire the materials for making the stencils for my charges.

Sir Edward:

It's looking really good!

As I posted on FB, what I did on my first shield was to use stencils, by using the clear plastic stencil sheets you can get at craft/hobby stores. I printed out the charges on plain paper, put the plastic sheet over it, and cut out the stencil with an x-acto. Then I used spray-on stencil adhesive to attach it to the shield. It worked OK, but since I was using spray-paint, the paint still escaped under the edges of the stencil a bit, and I had to use the x-acto to scrape off the excess.

For my second shield, I used the first as a guide, but free-handed the outlines of the charges with a pencil, then painted to those lines by hand with a small brush.

Sir Patrick:
Second the hand painting. Looks more period IMO. Because my charges are lighter than the background, I painted the background up to the edge of the charge and then filled in the charges. Trying to paint white over red would have been a nightmare of multiple coats!


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