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Pickaxe Handles?


Sir Arma:
Have any of you ever fought with a pickaxe handle? I've seen a few HMB and reenactment people train with them and I was wondering how good they are compared to other weapons. Wielded in one hand they seem very clumsy, but with two hands they look very effective.


Sir Edward:

Not personally, no. I'd probably avoid it for the same reason I don't really use wooden wasters anymore. The wood is unforgiving in a strike. That is, if you're training with an opponent, they hit like baseball bats. Steel swords are actually much more forgiving, because they flex.

On the other hand, training against a pell, sure, use whatever gives you some good weight in your hands.

Lord Dane:
Maybe it is me but I thought a pickaxe handle is just a thick stick. It is the skill of the handler that must be of concern. Seems to be nothing more than a blunt club. Probably has good balance as a blunt weapon. Won't say much for effectiveness.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2014-04-18, 13:53:18 ---Maybe it is me but I thought a pickaxe handle is just a thick stick. It is the skill of the handler that must be of concern. Seems to be nothing more than a blunt club. Probably has good balance as a blunt weapon. Won't say much for effectiveness.

--- End quote ---

On a Less serious note
In Skyrim I cut a mans head off with a pickaxe In a prison fight.


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