Main > The Armoury


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--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-04-08, 22:33:49 ---I get the feeling that this cuirass' former owner turned into a cloud of red mist

--- End quote ---

I'm sure a lot of that mist was contained by the rest of his cuirass :)

Sir Nate:
Looks like it did well against a bullet, led ball.
I know that a lot of armor was resistant to pistol(maybe even blunderbuss) at the time.

And now for the pun.
Looks like he is a bit Saint like now.
Ya know he's Holey. 
It seems his armor proved to be Blessed. Ya know.... Holey.
Looks like he was, disembowled!
Ok those are very bad puns.

Sir Wolf:
wonder if thats the "after" picture from a mammogram machine

Sir William:
LOL @ Wolf

I thought of the guy who snatched peoples' hearts out in that Indy Jones movie with the Shankara Stones and Short Round.

kali ma sha tee day!  kali ma sha tee day!


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