Main > The Round Table
She's a witch! Burn her!!!
Aiden of Oreland:
--- Quote from: DouglasTheYounger on 2014-03-27, 02:15:51 ---
--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-27, 01:43:29 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-27, 00:41:28 ---I may look Into that for college.
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Avoid a history degree like the plague. Yeah it's fascinating and fun (and also quite tough deoending on the program), but if you want a job within a year of graduating, you're better off with something else. Many of my fellow history graduates that I know are still unemployed. I got very lucky and only got my job through connections. Liberal Arts are enlightening, but sadly they don't pay off loans and bills.
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Ugh...isn't that the sad truth.... :-\
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I already have a sustaining job as a tree worker, great money, hard work, makes me enjoy coming home to a nice stew. I plan to keep this job as long as I can. Plus, I get a good workout in lol. Maybe I like the job so much because it makes me feel like a woodsmen from the medieval era, except with chainsaws and trucks.
EDIT: Booming family business, so I'm not likely to loose this job :)
--- Quote from: Baron de Magnan on 2014-03-27, 01:43:29 ---
--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-27, 00:41:28 ---I may look Into that for college.
--- End quote ---
Avoid a history degree like the plague. Yeah it's fascinating and fun (and also quite tough deoending on the program), but if you want a job within a year of graduating, you're better off with something else. Many of my fellow history graduates that I know are still unemployed. I got very lucky and only got my job through connections. Liberal Arts are enlightening, but sadly they don't pay off loans and bills.
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If I may ask, what job did you get?
Mike W.:
Strangely enough I do Software Support.
Sir Edward:
You can always bypass college and become a programmer. :)
Don Jorge:
Yeah my history degree got me a few odd jobs...started innocently enough...
High School History and Criminal Justice teacher...
College Admissions Officer...
Security Guard while working on my Masters...
Ran a presidential campaign office in North Carolina for 2012 Election...
Legal consultant....
Also working on social media and community manager for a political consulting firm on the might turn into more down the road...need to brush up on my SQL and database management.
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