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Sir Wolf:

hmmm movie about poor ole King John. hope they don't screw it up.

Sir Griff:
The cast seems sound, especially with Paul Giamatti and several other actors such as Attenborough and Postlethwaite. And if James Purefoy also plays in this then I'll be damned if this film won't rock solely because of so great a cast.

About time another medieval movie was made. Haven't went to one for some time. I think Kingdom Of Heaven was my last one, but boy did it go out with a bang. They don't make movies like Gladiator and Kingdom of Heaven these days.

Sir William:
Big James Purefoy fan here...with him as the Marshal, I'll watch it just for that.  Great cast by the way.  Anyone seen Robin Hood yet?

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Paladin on 2010-10-26, 16:34:48 ---Big James Purefoy fan here...with him as the Marshal, I'll watch it just for that.  Great cast by the way.  Anyone seen Robin Hood yet?

--- End quote ---

Looking forward to Ironclad.

I saw the 2009 Robin Hood. It was crap. Pure, utter, crap. Words can't describe the atrocity. :( My wife said it was terrible, but my parents liked it. Of course, my parents have zero knowledge of medieval history, so as a pure "hollywood entertainer" it was fine. My wife said Robin Hood: Men In Tights was better and even more accurate - for reference, my wife isn't in SCA or anything medieval other than the MD Renn Fest once a year.

Sir Patrick:
Agreed on Robin Hood.  I can't believe Ridley and Co. can sit there and taut the film's attention to historical detail with a straight face.  At least it was good armour porn.


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