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Simple 14th C Turnshoes (Photo Heavy)

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Sir Nate,  as I've mentioned earlier in this thread I run on the hard street 3 or 4 times a week with minimalist footwear and it cured my knee problems. Please understand this is not just some unresearched assertion I'm making. It comes from a lot of background research and years of doing it myself. Modern man does not give his own body enough credit, end of story.

As for shoes, I'm not going to be making any for anyone any time soon as I refuse to make a product that I cannot stand behind as having a good fit. I encourage anyone interested to make their own.

Sir Nate:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-03-16, 10:25:56 ---Sir Nate,  as I've mentioned earlier in this thread I run on the hard street 3 or 4 times a week with minimalist footwear and it cured my knee problems. Please understand this is not just some unresearched assertion I'm making. It comes from a lot of background research and years of doing it myself. Modern man does not give his own body enough credit, end of story.

As for shoes, I'm not going to be making any for anyone any time soon as I refuse to make a product that I cannot stand behind as having a good fit. I encourage anyone interested to make their own.

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Ha! Make them, if only I had more time to sooner than now.
We'll like I said, I'm no foot expert, I guess I gave a good example of how modern man doesn't give enough credit to the body. In a similar case to humans, my step father believes a lot of great builds like the pyramids were made by aliens, because humans didn't have the skill. I always tell him he is not giving our ancestors enough credit.


--- Quote from: Sir Nate on 2014-03-18, 23:05:33 ---I always tell him he is not giving our ancestors enough credit.

--- End quote ---

That sir, is the truth!

So after a full weekend of wearing my turnshoes all day, they gave me no problems.  The only issue I had was one of my shoes coming untied once, but that happens on any shoe, modern or medieval. :)

I wore them on pavement for a time, and of course they're not that comfortable on pavement since there's no padding, but what I did notice is the wear on the sole was minimal which was a pleasant surprise.  It rained on Sunday afternoon while we broke down, and I literally ran in them on wet grass and no slippage!

Came home and oiled the leather with neatsfoot oil and they look no worse for the wear.  Overall, I declare them a success.  I will make a second pair when I get the chance so one can serve as arming shoes, and the other will not have pointing holes in the toes.

Sir James A:

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-03-19, 00:14:41 ---It rained on Sunday afternoon while we broke down, and I literally ran in them on wet grass and no slippage!

--- End quote ---

So much for my hopes of bullying Sir Nathan around on wet grass at some point! (I have lugged soles, he has slicks) :o

As far as not slipping or sliding, do you think it helps that you are used to running with the five-toed shoes and running properly, instead of "modern"? I slipped in mud with the cheapo-starter-flat-soles, but that was clumsily trudging around the faire site; and that was just while walking, let alone running.

--- Quote from: Ian on 2014-03-19, 00:14:41 ---I will make a second pair when I get the chance so one can serve as arming shoes

--- End quote ---

You have a typo, I think you left off "for James" from the end of that sentence?


--- Quote from: Sir James A on 2014-03-19, 02:37:18 ---As far as not slipping or sliding, do you think it helps that you are used to running with the five-toed shoes and running properly, instead of "modern"? I slipped in mud with the cheapo-starter-flat-soles, but that was clumsily trudging around the faire site; and that was just while walking, let alone running.

--- End quote ---

No, I'll explain why.  When I got my turmshoes by bohemond turnshoes walking on carpet felt like walking on ice, and I took two steps outside on the grass and almost ate dirt because of those soles.  That was my inspiration to make my own, since modern makers refuse to get it right, or you have to spend 100's of $$.  The experience running in five-fingers is more helpful when it comes to how to land while running on a hard surface barefoot to prevent injury.  If you land on your heel you'll send shock up your lower leg and cause pain in your knees and hips, it's injury prevention, not non-slippage practice.


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