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enemy of man = macbeth?

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Sir Douglas:
Doesn't Macbeth die horribly at the end of Macbeth? Poor Sean Bean...he just can't catch a break. ;)

Sir Nate:
Pity, it's not getting much funding.

Aiden of Oreland:
Ok everyone, help fund this movie! *smashes piggy bank* $5 closer!

Lord Dane:
Is there any medieval role that Sean Bean doesn't end up dying horribly in?? I would like to see him survive one of his movies .... Borromir - Dead; Eddard Stark - Dead; etc.

Sir Edward:

--- Quote from: Lord Dane on 2014-03-13, 12:59:51 ---Is there any medieval role that Sean Bean doesn't end up dying horribly in?? I would like to see him survive one of his movies .... Borromir - Dead; Eddard Stark - Dead; etc.

--- End quote ---

And those two deaths were tame compared to the death he had in Black Death. :)


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