Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Knights of Badassdom

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--- Quote from: Sir Aiden on 2014-03-09, 01:13:35 ---I bet if everyone on the forum came together we could make a badass flick

--- End quote ---

That sure would be awesome.

Sir Martyn:
LOL - we got so sidetracked by the snow discussion I completely missed the KoB reference.  I remember seeing the trailer for this a year or so ago, love Dinkley in GoT and thought it might be worth a rental.  Then it seemed to disappear.  Glad (I hope) it made it out. 

Out on Netfilx or iTunes as well?

Sir James A:
Not seeing it on Netflix yet :(

Sir William:
Hope it gets there soon.

Don Jorge:
They are selling it on demand I think and dvd's soon so it might be a while before they give netflix rights.


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