Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

super stoked

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Sir Wolf:
my cousin just won his first professional championship fight. he is now the new usffc 170 lb champ. man its awesome. i used to beat up and wrestle with him when he was a kid. prob not so much any more lol


--- Quote from: Sir Wolf on 2014-03-08, 14:20:09 ---my cousin just won his first professional championship fight. he is now the new usffc 170 lb champ. man its awesome. i used to beat up and wrestle with him when he was a kid. prob not so much any more lol

--- End quote ---

Nice!  Good to see the whole family's not soft like you :) (and Happy Birthday btw!, lol)

Sir Nate:
Theres no better way to Prepare yourself for hand to hand combat than wrestling as a kid.(except well, learning hand to hand combat :))
(Happy Birthday!)

Sir James A:
Sweet! Bring him down here and let's put him in armor. Maybe we can get him out more often than once every 2 years. ;)

And happy birthday! Buy some armor!!

Aiden of Oreland:
The most I could win is the fist fighters guild lol. Happy day of birth!


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