Miscellaneous > The Sallyport

Argument: Templar vs Teutonic Knight

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Depends, really. The Templars existed as an order only into the early 14th century, while the Teutonic Knights technically still exist as a Catholic order. If you pit late 14th century Templars against Teutonic Knights wearing kits of the Grunwald era, (early 15th century) a clear advantage could be seen from the latter.

Aiden of Oreland:
Well, lets just say when they coincided, before the fall of the templars. I don't want to take out of time period people and make them go at it. This isn't Deadliest Warriors.

Sir Nate:
Lets say 1240?
Teutonics have been around 50 years templars still have over 60 years left.

Aiden of Oreland:
Don't pick a time in your favour!

Sir Nate:
all the time Templars existed was in their favor. Until 1306, look In open war it would be Templar, if in 1 on 1 a hospitaller could(and I mean could not guaranteed)  teutonics are extremely skilled warriors. But the Templars were the best. One Templar knight could lead a charge of forty knights and win them the fight. But not only on horse but ground 1 on 1 as well.
They had more wealth and were larger giving them the ability to become the best.


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